Rebase Giving Back series: Anmar Matrood
Read the story of Anmar, who works as product design director at Rebase Consulting.

In addition to being generally quite artistic, he can go underwater for miles! How did he wound up at Rebase, and what’s the good cause we will donate to this time?
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I come from an artistic family, my father was a thespian, and my mother was a musician. Also, my three uncles were graphic designers, which pretty much paved the way for my dreams of becoming an artistic person of some sort!
Why did you choose to join Rebase?
I was the first person to join. Reading about Rebase’s hybrid model simply clicked. It had the best of both worlds. The freelancing aspect with a security of a job. Besides that, I had complete trust in Juhana and Kustaa! I have previously worked with both, and it was always a pleasure.
The people, autonomy, and compensation, in that order.
What's the best thing about your current job?
The people, autonomy, and compensation, in that order. I can decide to work four days a week or 8 hours a day; it’s totally up to me! I also enjoy the optional meet-ups we have to try at different breakfast or lunch places.
Share a blog post/book / talk / tweet (etc.) that taught you something new
I stumbled upon a blog post from Mr. Money Mustache that changed the way I looked at finances and frugality to sustain the world we live in. It simplified the maths of financial independence and fought back against the notion of hyper-consumption.
How do you relax?
Travelling and freediving with my wife and daughter are my two passions at the moment. Freediving, however, is not always possible during the Finnish winter days. So, I’ve recently picked up the guitar, knowing I will be bad at it, and that’s ok.
What is your superpower?
I’ve been told that I’m a good mentor who can solve complex problems.
Tell us where we should donate this time and why?
Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières / Lääkärit Ilman Rajoja) provide lifesaving medical care where it is needed most. I have huge respect for the doctors who devote part of their time to helping those in dire need of medical assistance in places like Yemen, Ukraine, and many other places.
Was it challenging to choose the charity?
In a way, there are so many good causes to donate to, but my chosen charity was the first that came to my mind.
What advice would you give to your ten years younger self?
Buy bitcoin in 2012! Just kidding. I would really say to take a risk on the things you would like to try, be it travelling the world or becoming a musician. If they don’t work out, so be it!