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Giving Back series:
Jani Flaaming

Jani Flaaming has been a Rebaser for quite some time already since February 2021.

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But it wasn't until last week that he could meet his colleagues for the first-time face to face. This shows the freedom and flexibility that Rebase offers when it comes to remote working. He is working as a DevOps engineer, focusing on building secure and maintainable cloud infrastructure and applications.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was ten, I wanted to be an architect. We went to Asuntomessut, and then I started to sketch hundreds of floor plans. I think this dream lasted for some years until my art teacher told me that you need to know how to draw to become an architect. So, I needed to give up on this dream. Later, I wanted to do anything but software development. I didn't think that a decade of experience working as tech support for relatives would help me build a career. After studying mechanical engineering for just over a year, I understood that I needed to choose a different path. And I'm still on that path without regrets.

Why did you choose to join Rebase?

I was impressed by the open and rewarding salary model as well as the nice people in the interviews, flexibility, and exciting opportunities to learn more. Many companies underplay the value of first impression in recruiting process, but my experience with Rebase was quite the opposite.

Best thing about Rebase: Good team, good customer, and support and flexibility in Rebase.

What's the best thing about your current job?

Good team, good customer, and support and flexibility in Rebase. I can plan my work life the way I want if the customer accepts it. Rebase is very customer-centric on this and gives the freedom and responsibility to choose your ways of working that suit the current project's needs.

Share a blog post/book / talk / tweet (etc.) that taught you something new

We live in strange times. I think it's essential to understand how we got into this situation and how we could learn from our past mistakes. Therefore, my book recommendation is "Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took on the West." Catherine Belton explains Putin's journey on this 600 page / 20 hours journey. It's a good reminder that things don't change overnight, we shouldn't blindly believe in goodwill, and why we should prioritise human rights over profit.

How do you relax?

I spend time with my family and friends. I walk or run instead of using a car to find the time for exercising. I'm currently waiting for a hike to Kebnekaise (the highest top in Sweden).

What is your superpower?

My superpower is the ability to translate technical details into a language that non-technical people understand.

Tell us where we should donate this time and why?

While the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is urgent and requires immediate support, I think we shouldn't forget that there are other issues as well. I feel that one should be in good shape to be able to support others. To support humanitarian crises in the future as well, we need to have a strong economy. And strong economy requires healthy people. I think we are underestimating the long-term effects and personal suffering caused by insufficient funding for young people's mental services. Therefore, I think we should donate to the state of mind program run by Lastenklinikoiden Kummit ry.

Was it challenging to choose the charity?

Not really. I think we should focus more on younger generations. They are the future. And they are vulnerable.

What advice would you give to your ten years younger self?

Don’t try to achieve too much. Think about what is important and focus on that. Drop the things that are not good for you. Happiness is not a destination but a way of living.

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Juhana Huotarinen
Juhana Huotarinen
CEO, Co-founder
+358 40 518 2663