Rebase Giving Back series: Iikka Meriläinen
Rebase was established around the same time as Covid arrived in Finland. After the shock of the first weeks, we - like many other companies in the IT sector - have survived decently during the pandemic.

It's been possible to work remotely, and the needs for digitalisation have not vanished - rather the opposite. For that reason, we wanted to do our part and help those who have not been so fortunate in these times.
The idea behind the Rebase giving back series is that a Rebaser chooses a charity organisation, where Rebase then donates money. We also ask some interesting questions to get to know the person a little better.
This time we have Iikka Meriläinen, a Senior Software Developer specializing in .NET and cloud technologies.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I've been told my first pick was gardener, but I soon got started with programming at the age of 8 by hacking at Gorillas.bas in BASIC on the home 8088, and have been on that journey ever since!
Seeing a solution to a complex problem come together is great fun!
What's the best thing about your current job?
Seeing a solution to a complex problem come together is great fun! The field is constantly advancing and there are new things to learn and try out with every project.
Share a blog post / book / talk / tweet (etc.) that taught you something new
I've recently enjoyed Dave Farley's Continuous Delivery YouTube channel. BDD and DevOps strategies with strong fundamentals and succinct delivery, good stuff.
How do you relax?
I listen to music and watch movies, and spend time with friends playing board- and videogames. Badminton and bowling are nice too.
What is your superpower?
Being a bit lazy is useful - it motivates to improve my practices and automate away routine, letting me focus on new interesting new stuff instead.
Tell us where we should donate this time, and why?
I chose MIELI Mental Health Finland. They work to help people in mental health crises and in a preventive capacity.
Was it difficult to choose the charity?
Yes and no - equal society, environmental issues, foreign aid and many other causes deserve attention as well, but I'm happy with my choice - MIELI's work is invaluable.