Stories & Insights
Curious to know more about us? You’ve come to the right place.

Unlock the Secrets of Rebase
"Discover the Truth Behind IT Industry Salaries"

Mastering Authentication Flow
"Tired of frequent logouts disrupting your app experience?"

How to get excited in diverse customer domains as an IT consultant
"Thoughts and remarks about approaching new client cases."

Semantic Kernel Function Calling
"Exploring Semantic Kernel Function Calling capability."

Finding The Right IT Consultant
"Our guide contains everything you wanted to know about outsourcing an IT expert (but were afraid to ask)"

Rebase Strategy
"Rebase Consulting updates its strategy for 2024 - 2026."

Sakari Laitinen
"The company’s emphasis on creativity and progress aligns with my values."

Leena Turtiainen
"One of the reasons I joined Rebase was the low hierarchy and open company culture."

Anmar Matrood
"The people, autonomy, and compensation, in that order."

Kalle Kyttälä
"It feels like I'm learning something new every day!"

Lauri Hahne
"Flexible working hours and salary structure allow me to have a good work-life balance."

Jani Flaaming
"Best thing about Rebase: Good team and good customers."

Anton Ahlroth
"Freedom and flexibility allow me to balance home-work-school life."

Timo Salomäki
"Enjoy the ride and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!"

Iikka Meriläinen
"Seeing a solution to a complex problem come together is great fun!"

Rebase vision
"Combines the benefits of being a freelancer and working in a company."

Pillars of Rebase
"Rebase is a small Nordic consulting company that was established in 2020."

"In recent years, the Nordic IT consulting market has changed rapidly."

Our logo
"It definitely has a big impact and influence on the people around the company."